On-Demand Webinar…
Flattening the Second Curve of COVID-19: Provider Resilience
The psychological effects of COVID-19 are having immediate consequences on mental health, creating a second curve to mitigate. As we see on the news every day, for health care workers, the pandemic compounds already stressful work and emotional demands.
This webinar will be of interest to those in healthcare wanting to support professional caregivers and providers in building resilience and self-care strategies.
- Understanding the immediate and long-term consequences of COVID-19 on provider mental health
- Identifying strategies to prevent and manage mental health conditions
- Making mental health and emotional well-being tools broadly available and easily accessible for clinical staff
Featured Presenters:
Jonathan N. Adler, MD
Emergency Medicine Physician
Beth Israel Lahey Health
Chief Medical Officer
CredibleMind Inc.
Scott W. Dahl, MBA
Healthcare Strategy Consultant
Senior Director
CredibleMind Inc.
More to Explore
Owensboro Health and RiverValley Behavioral Health Launch a New Mental Health Platform
CredibleMind population-based mental health platform delivers fast access to thousands of expert-rated, AI-driven resources to support emotional wellbeing and strengthen mental health.
New Online Tool Connects Franklin County Residents With Mental Health Assessments, Resources
Franklin County announced today the launch of a new online tool to connect residents and families with national and local resources to address their mental and emotional health challenges.
Discussion: Why Supporting Clinicians is Critical
Jon Adler serves as the Chief Medical Officer and Co-Editor-in-Chief of CredibleMind. A dedicated clinician and teacher at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School for 22 years, he served as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, NEJM Journal Watch, eMedicine.com (now the Medscape Reference by WebMD) and authored or edited 14 books. Jon earned his M.S. in Aerospace Engineering and M.D. from the University of Colorado and is an emergency physician with Beth Israel Lahey Health.
Funding to Address Pandemic-Related Mental Health Issues
UPDATED: The U.S. Department of the Treasury launched the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, established by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, to provide $350 billion in emergency funding for eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments.
How CredibleMind Solves the Mental Health “Matching” Problem
CredibleMind enables your organization to address four key issues when providing self-help mental health resources for everybody: (1) matching, (2) mentoring, (3) credibility, and (4) accessibility.
COVID-19 Mental Health Booster
As more and more people get their COVID-19 vaccination, attention is now turning to what we can do to address mental health issues that have arisen or intensified over the past year. According to the latest American Psychological Association snapshot, 84% are actually struggling with at least one emotion stemming from prolonged stress in the prior two weeks.
Top Seven Mental Health Resources for Communities of Color
Finding demographically and culturally relevant help for communities of color is important.
This is especially important as COVID-19 has most certainly impacted the mental, emotional, and spiritual health of individuals in this cohort—and if they identify as persons of color, they may feel as if the impact exacts a heavier toll than on their colleagues.
Anything is Manageable in the Present Moment
Have you ever felt overwhelmed? Sometimes, the demands on your time, attention, ability, and nerves can feel like ‘too much.’ However, when you take a breath, stay present, stay focused, prioritize, and take one step at a time, you can accomplish the task and manage the process with more ease.
Flattening COVID’s Other Wave: Mental Health Concerns
Delayed or secondary morbidity and mortality associated with disasters often exceed that of the original event. Cholera is expected after flooding or earthquakes disrupt infrastructure. Other infectious diseases and maternal/fetal mortality skyrocket in refugee settings without infrastructure or healthcare. But what of our mental and emotional well-being? This is often the greatest casualty in the wake of a crisis.
COVID Mental Health Booster
As you ramp up to handle the crowds in your vaccine efforts, we want to point out you can do a lot in the 15-minute window after the jab where everyone waits to make sure they’re ok. It’s your opportunity to help address a mental health crisis that was well underway even before the pandemic.
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Health Organizations | Communities | NACCHO • Behavioral Health 360
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Scott Dahl
(404) 721-5964 ● scott@crediblemind.com
Employers | Consultants | Education
Kathy Carlton
(518) 365-5660 ● kathy.carlton@crediblemind.com
Ginny Sedberry
(510) 955-2301 ● ginny@crediblemind.com